Ternyata ga cuma manusia ya yg bisa galau...
Hari pun bisa galau jg
Apalagi belakangan ini
Disaat begitu banyak orang yang menantikan datang nya hujan..
Ternyata hujannya masih malu untuk turun membasahi bumi ini..
Terdengar suara gemuruh petir..
Muka tersenyum bahagia,
Akhirnya hujan akan turun.
Matahari kembali bersinar
Suara gemuruh pun menghilang
Wajah tersenyum pilu
Ternyata hujan tak jadi turun.
Itulah kegalauan hari yang terjadi beberapa saat terakhir ini..
Hujan segera tiba
Membasahi bumi ku sayang ^^
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014
Kahitna Fever^^
Saat kini aku menanti
Bila saat nya aku akan memiliki cerita cinta
Bila saat nya sosok soulmate akan menghiasi malam laksana bintang
Andai dia tahu
Kuharap ini bukanlah cinta sendiri
Aku engga ngerti
Setahun kemarin
Saat kau ubah hari ku
Mewarnai biru nya asmara
Merenda kasih
Mungkinkah cinta sudah lewat
Masihkah ada diriku
Katakan saja
Setelah malam ini
Ku nyatakan kau adalah mantan terindah
Karena ku tak mampu mendua
Kau takkan terganti
Ku tetap kekasih mu
Seandainya aku bisa terbang
Tapi aku tidak sebebas merpati
Aku punya hati
Sampai nanti
Tapi selalu untukmu
Ti amo..
(if u're one of the big fans of kahitna, u'll understand what the italic words mean)
Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014
Keep On Fighting, Girl!!
“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till
it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up
then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
- Harriet Beecher Stowe -
You never know how close you are to victory or success, so keep pushing!
You never know how close you are to victory or success, so keep pushing!
Call Me Weird..
Am I Weird??
When you read the tittle
Doesn't mean that i'm weird
It just phrase
For some situation
Maybe many girls/woman out there
Who really like if some one
Call them "say or chayank or honey or what ever.."
For me..
I feel little bit disturb
(Call me weird)
I'm not the one who feel comport
Heard that words
Especially if the words come from the one
whom i use to call him, friend
I write down this, doesn't mean anything
It just about my thought
I felt something lost lately
Didn't know exactly what it is..
Part of me miss it
We realize about something
After we lost it
Regretness :(
Senin, 13 Oktober 2014
Another story,,,
Everybody want to get happiness in their life
Nobody wants to cry
Nobody wants to be unhappy
Nobody wants to be lonely
But sometimes,
We can't get everything that we want
End with happiness
It spend our tears
It spend our drip of sweats
With all of the tears and sweats
That we have spent
I'm sure
We are more appreciate
everything that we get
Nothing happen easily, right??
Mas Darwis Tere Liye said :
"Kalau pacar kalian sanggup membangunkan kalian jam 2 subuh bilang: "Babe, shalat tahajud dulu, gih." Tapi dia tidak sanggup melamar kalian ke rumah, maka please deh, tidak perlu cekikikan bahagia, merasa dia orang baik sedunia. Karena itu gombal saja.
Karena weker, alarm HP, bisa mengambil-alih tugas tersebut, tanpa perlu dekat-dekat dengan pintu pergaulan bebas. Dan jelas, weker bisa diandalkan, tanpa pamrih.
Jangan tertipu hal-hal seperti ini. Mau dibungkus apapun, tidak ada definisi pacaran sehat, apalagi definisi pacaran islami. Tidak ada."
*Tere Liye
My best friend also have the same experience like mr. Darwis said above. And she conclude that sometimes it's only "modus" ^_^. So, don't be so happy. Even the intentions to wake us up, is a good intentions. But, don't get flattered girl.
:) And i only give my big smile read all of this :)
Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014
Afternoon romance :)
The duet song before they've got divorce
So last year..enjoy it
Good afternoon, all :)
She's All That I Have
Right Now...
She's all that i have
She is my everything
She is one of kind
She never do anything for granted
She never ask more to her children
She always do her best
She always pray for us
Her happines is my destiny
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
She is My Mother

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014
Gaze At The Sky Tonight..
So jadul actually,
But still cozy to hear
Let's gaze at the sky tonight..
Gaze the full moon
Gaze the sparkling stars
Even we're in the different place
But we see the same sky^^
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