Minggu, 18 September 2016


Kini ku tahu
Apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Untukmu Yang Memperjuangkanku..

Untukmu yang memperjuangkan ku..
dalam setiap doamu.
Semoga engkau adalah orang juga kuperjuangkan
dalam setiap doaku.
Aku percaya, seindah-indah nya ketetapan adalah milikNya
Sejauh apapun kita melangkah..
Sejauh apapun kita menghindar..
Bila sudah ketetapanNya
Untuk kita bersama
Tentu ada jalanNya untuk kita dipersatukan.

Teruslah yakin
Teruslah memperbaiki diri
Semoga rahasia indahNya
Akan terbuka
Dan menjadi rahasia indah kita berdua
Atas ridhoNya..


Kamis, 01 September 2016

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Just ask Me,,

If there's something untold..
If there's something unseen..
If there's something unpredictable..
And if there's another if..
Don't hear it from some one else
Don't guess it from your own though
Don't over thinking about it

Just ask Me

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Miss him,,

September ini akan menjadi tahun ketiga
kami tanpanya...

I miss him a lot
He is the best man in my life
There's nobody could replace
His love,,
His caring,,

One thing for sure
He never broke my heart
He never made me cry
I miss the moment when i was my daddy's little girl

Berapa lama kah,,,?

Rencana Nya tentu lebih indah dari rencana hambaNya
Semoga selalu bisa menjaga hati
Untuk tidak terlalu berharap selain kepadaNya

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016


This night...
My tears fall apart
Don't know why...

What happen to me
Is it something wrong with my eyes
I don't think so

It just happen
It just fall apart
It just...

Maybe it doesn't need a reason
At all...
There's a day when the tears want to replace
Your smile for a while...

#la tahzan innalaha maa'ana

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

71th Years

Dirgahayu Indonesia
71 tahun sudah
Akankah negeri ini sudah semerdeka usia nya??

Just Be Honest,,,

At least...
Just try to be honest
To your heart
To yourself
And to your mind

I'm sure
I'm trully sure
That you'll know what to do

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

This Friday Night,,,

"Barangsiapa yang membaca surat Al Kahfi pada hari Jum’at, dia akan disinari cahaya di antara dua Jum’at.” (HR. An Nasa’i dan Baihaqi. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shohih sebagaimana dalam Shohihul Jami’ no. 6470)


Let's talk about obligation.

I mean that...
Sometimes, there's a moment when some people forget about this
If we realize that our job is part of our obligation.
So we must do our obligation..

Never take anything for granted
Just because there's nothing you can't get from it
So you forget about your obligation
Or you just run away from your obligation

At least, we've try our best first
Don't give up so easily
Nothing comes easily, right???
I'm sure that 'everycloud has a silver lining'

Why don't you do your job?
Why don't you do your obligation?
Why don't you realize it?!?

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Actually Me...

Many peoples don't know..
Actually i speak a lot through my silent
Actually i speak a lot through my eyes
Actually i speak a lot through my attitude

Many peoples know..
I am a silent one
I am a smiley one
I am a patient one

There's so many things that i've hide
Through all the silent
Through all the smiles
Through all the patients
...and that's enough me to know it

#Another fact about me :
 "I'll wait for certainty, but i have no time for uncertainty"

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

From The Bottom of My Heart

Mom and dad,,,
Please, hold my hand
I still needs all of your advice
I still needs all of your support
I still needs all of your love and care

When everything seems so hard
When everything seems so complicated
All i needed is stayed around them
Make my world more peacefully
Make my world more colourful

It's trully from the bottom of my heart...

"Your little girl"

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Complicated Heart

....rather absurb and unpredictable
Make me confuse
It's completely complicated 

Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Beyond Expectation

There's always the first time for everything
Like it or not..
You have to face it
When everything doesn't run like your expectation
You have to prove it
That you can do it

Better than they're expectation


Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

There is no coincidence in this world

Tidak ada yang namanya kebetulan (QS 3:190-191).

Ada postingan bagus dari Group (ODOJ)

pernahkah saat kau duduk santai dan menikmati harimu, tiba-tiba trpikirkan olehmu ingin berbuat sesuatu kebaikan untuk seseorang?
Itu adalah ﺍﻟﻠّﻪ yang sedang
berbicara denganmu dan mengetuk pintu hatimu (QS 4:114, 2:195, 28:77)

Pernahkah saat kau sedang sedih, kecewa tetapi tidak ada orang di sekitarmu yang dapat kau jadikan tempat curahan hati?

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016

Tere Liye's Novel

Can't hardly wait to read another novel of him
The story is simply
But full of good lesson of life
I recomended you to read one of his novel
He is such a tallented person & one of the best indonesian's writer

The list of his novel that i know :
1. Hafalan sholat Dellisa (
2. Berjuta rasanya
3. Rindu
4. Bulan
5. Pulang
6. Hujan
7. Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin
8. Bidadari-bidadari surga
9. Senja bersama rossie
10. Ext...

This is novel about islamic, it isn't novel about romance only.
After hafalan sholat delisa, bidadari-bidadari surga, and rindu..
My next project 'curious' to read is hujan ^-^

Senin, 20 Juni 2016


I don't know why..
What's all about??
What's happening???
I'm so confuse
Why should this happen at the same time

It's just joking, right??
And it isn't funny at all

Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

Happy Father's Day

For all daddies around the world
Especially mine..
Happy father's day

Thank you for everything
You are the best dad

You've teach me
How to becoming a good personality
You've teach me
How to appreciating some one else
You've teach me
How to survive in this wild world
And the most valuable you've teach me is..
How to becoming a good muslim

Once again,
Thanks to you, my beloved dad
Even you're not here with me again
But, i'll never forget
For everything you've teach me
For all the love you've give to me

I will always..always..always love you

Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Dismenore Attack

When im on this situation..
All i need is a bar of chocolate
Because some say that chocolate is a girl best friend
Especially..when your mood is upside down

It helps so much..
Don't know why, suddently..
Eat it, make me happier
Eat it, make me smiling

It really..really
The best mood booster ever

Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Welcome ramadhan..
This is our third year fasting without him
And it's gonna be our third year celebrating  idl fitri without him too

Hope this ramadhan..
Allah always bless us with healthy
So all of us will through this fasting month well

Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

Upside Down

You've totally made my world upside down
Confusing ones
Don't know how..
But you've totally made me so so so..

Selasa, 31 Mei 2016


Akhir-akhir ini, seperti kata diawal lirik lagu ini..
Secara tak sengaja,
Sering sekali dengar lagu ini dimana-mana.

It's an easy listening music, and 
It has a deeply meaningful lyrics

Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Move On

For all the things that happen
Sometimes make me feel so tired
Remembering all the times that we've share
Is it gonna be last longer..?
Is it gonna be forever..?

Im so tired..
If i've to start the story from the beginning
again..again..and again

We never known what's gonna happen next
But one thing for sure..
I hope my heart will never lies

All of doubtness that ever stay
In my mind..
In my steps..
Makes me hard to move on

I know that all the stories behind,
They're the way for me to learned
It's time for me to make a step forward..

I have to choose my way
And you've already happy with your own way

Let's the time erase it..


Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

The sound of my heart

Only me knows what's trully happen..
Only my heart knows how i feel..
And i sing it back through this beautiful song..

Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

My Day

On my day today..
Thanks for everything
You've gave me
Thanks for everything
You've bless me
For all the good times and bad times
I'm thankful for everything

On my day today..
Pray for everything gonna be better
Pray for all the sweet things that gonna be happen
Amin Ya Robbalalamin.

#muhasabahdiri #meihascome #mydayistoday #miladday

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Pelan-pelan Saja

Nothing come easily
There always a right time  for everything

Just take it slow..

Bukankah sesuatu yang terlalu dipaksakan
Sesuatu yang terlalu diburu-buru
Tidak akan baik hasilnya kelak

Just be patient..


Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

I believe

You might not the first
You might be the last one
Im not looking for the perfectness
Cause nobody is perfect

I just believe..
And my heart said so
Just don't break it


Maret Barokah

March has come..
Pray for the best,
Hope everything gonna be ok

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Sempurna lah sudah...

But, it's happen
There's must be a reason for all of these

After one badnews come
Another badnews come again

I might be drowning
But never ever give up about Allah's blessing
I have to be strong
I have to fight through this

"Jangan pernah berputus asa atas rahmat Allah"

Senin, 15 Februari 2016

#throw back

A song by jikustik
Now tulus has been recycled it
But the song still make me melting

*Have a nice dream*

#lullabysong #1000tahunlamanya #melting #gwbgt

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Miss u,,

I miss you
Not only for yesterday
Not only for today
But also for tomorrow
I will always missing you

Untukmu Yang Disana....

Aku bukanlah yang terbaik
Namun aku selalu mencoba menjadi yang terbaik
Hingga kelak Allah mempertemukan kita
Aku akan selalu berusaha menjadi baik
Semoga kebaikan ini akan menjadikanku
Dipantaskan untuk bersamamu yang juga baik

Cermin diriku adalah cermin calon imam ku kelak
Dan itu adalah dirimu..
Dalam setiap doa dan harap kusebut namamu
Semoga engkau disana pun mendoakan diriku

Semoga kebersamaan kita kelak terwujud
Seperti yang telah tertulis di Lauhul Mahfudz

Hikmah Yang Indah

Dibalik semua kesulitan yang kau hadapi
Dibalik semua himpitan yang menghadang
Dibalik semua kegagalan yang terjadi

Ada makna indah disana
Dia menyayangi kita
Dia ingin kita tetap berdoa & berharap padaNya
Dia ingin menguji seberapa besar kesabaran kita

Akan ada saat yang indah
Saat dimana Dia menjawab doa-doa kita
Mungkin tidak seperti yang kita inginkan
Namun Dia akan menjawab nya dengan hal yang lebih indah
Dari yang kita bayangkan...

Jangan pernah berputus asa atas rahmatNya
Ingatlah bahwa Dia Maha Mengetahui


Selasa, 09 Februari 2016



Finally..i have to hear this news
It's really happen
I still hoping that it's just day dreaming
It's trully happen


Bersabar, Berdoa & Berusaha

Sabar itu ilmu tingkat tinggi
Selama kita bisa melakukannya
Tak ada batas untuk menjalaninya

Allah tak slalu mengabulkan sesuatu berdasarkan keinginan kita
Allah akan menjawab doa-doa kita di saat yang tepat
Teruslah berdoa

Setiap keinginan perlu kesabaran dan doa
Namun semua tak akan terwujud tanpa adanya usaha
Selalu giat berusaha a.k.a ikhtiar

Kesuksesan yang indah tak mungkin terwujud dalam 1 malam
Kau akan menikmati betapa indahnya menuai hasil dari kesabaranmu
Dalam berdoa dan melakukan usaha.


Minggu, 07 Februari 2016

Thanks to you...

I see your smile in the eyes of my child,,,,,

#to all mothers out there, esp mine

My Mom Said That....

On a rainy day...

The rain is falling down
But the tears won't fall down
Because all i need is one big smile

A smile that bring happiness
There's no more grief

One big smile
One big hope

Good morning, all!!

Istiqomah BersamaMu

Sekian lama..
Penantian & pengharapan
Mungkinkah segalanya akan segera terwujud

Dalam setiap bait doa ku..
Terucap pintaku
Ku tahu hanya Engkau lah yang maha tahu
Segala nya akan berjalan sesuai rencanaMu

Berikanlah hamba kesabaran
Berikanlah hati hamba kekuatan
Tuk selalu istiqomah di jalanMu


Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016


I have a feeling..
Hope nothing bad gonna be happen
Hope everything run well

It feels like i'm gonna loose someone
Don't know why..

I'm not okay
But i'm just a little unwell
Hard to breath

O Allah..
Just take away this feeling
It a'int comfort enough


Long time no see..
Now, already 2016
Pray all the Best for all of us.