Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Just ask Me,,

If there's something untold..
If there's something unseen..
If there's something unpredictable..
And if there's another if..
Don't hear it from some one else
Don't guess it from your own though
Don't over thinking about it

Just ask Me

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Miss him,,

September ini akan menjadi tahun ketiga
kami tanpanya...

I miss him a lot
He is the best man in my life
There's nobody could replace
His love,,
His caring,,

One thing for sure
He never broke my heart
He never made me cry
I miss the moment when i was my daddy's little girl

Berapa lama kah,,,?

Rencana Nya tentu lebih indah dari rencana hambaNya
Semoga selalu bisa menjaga hati
Untuk tidak terlalu berharap selain kepadaNya

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016


This night...
My tears fall apart
Don't know why...

What happen to me
Is it something wrong with my eyes
I don't think so

It just happen
It just fall apart
It just...

Maybe it doesn't need a reason
At all...
There's a day when the tears want to replace
Your smile for a while...

#la tahzan innalaha maa'ana

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

71th Years

Dirgahayu Indonesia
71 tahun sudah
Akankah negeri ini sudah semerdeka usia nya??

Just Be Honest,,,

At least...
Just try to be honest
To your heart
To yourself
And to your mind

I'm sure
I'm trully sure
That you'll know what to do

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

This Friday Night,,,

"Barangsiapa yang membaca surat Al Kahfi pada hari Jum’at, dia akan disinari cahaya di antara dua Jum’at.” (HR. An Nasa’i dan Baihaqi. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shohih sebagaimana dalam Shohihul Jami’ no. 6470)


Let's talk about obligation.

I mean that...
Sometimes, there's a moment when some people forget about this
If we realize that our job is part of our obligation.
So we must do our obligation..

Never take anything for granted
Just because there's nothing you can't get from it
So you forget about your obligation
Or you just run away from your obligation

At least, we've try our best first
Don't give up so easily
Nothing comes easily, right???
I'm sure that 'everycloud has a silver lining'

Why don't you do your job?
Why don't you do your obligation?
Why don't you realize it?!?

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Actually Me...

Many peoples don't know..
Actually i speak a lot through my silent
Actually i speak a lot through my eyes
Actually i speak a lot through my attitude

Many peoples know..
I am a silent one
I am a smiley one
I am a patient one

There's so many things that i've hide
Through all the silent
Through all the smiles
Through all the patients
...and that's enough me to know it

#Another fact about me :
 "I'll wait for certainty, but i have no time for uncertainty"

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

From The Bottom of My Heart

Mom and dad,,,
Please, hold my hand
I still needs all of your advice
I still needs all of your support
I still needs all of your love and care

When everything seems so hard
When everything seems so complicated
All i needed is stayed around them
Make my world more peacefully
Make my world more colourful

It's trully from the bottom of my heart...

"Your little girl"