Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

i'M fine,,

Please, don't worry about Me..

i'm fine
with all this Feeling
it's only a lesson in life

i'm fine
with all this Situation
it's only a way through life

i'm fine
with all this Longing
timeless, but
it's not useless

i'm fine
Then i'll be just Fine...


Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Just Like 'Alice In Wonderland' (Chapter 9)

Ketika saya merasa jenuh dengan semua aktivitas yang ada, terkadang berharap bisa menjadi seperti Alice yang mempunyai dunia hayalan nya sendiri. Dimana disana dia bisa bertemu dengan "orang-orang" baru dengan petualangan yang seru.

Meskipun ini adalah cerita fiksi di saat saya masih anak-anak, tapi sedikit banyak saya masih mengingat kisah fiksi yang dikeluarkan oleh Disney ini. Masih ingat kah kalian semua dengan film kartun ini. Well, mari kita refresh sejenak :
"Petualangan Alice in Wonderland adalah sebuah novel sejak 1865 yang ditulis oleh penulis Inggris Charles Lutwidge Dodgson dengan nama samaran Lewis Carroll. Ini menceritakan seorang gadis bernama Alice yang jatuh ke lubang kelinci ke dalam dunia fantasi ( Wonderland ) dihuni oleh aneh, makhluk antropomorfik. Kisah ini bermain dengan logika, memberikan popularitas kisah abadi dengan orang dewasa maupun anak-anak."

Disaat kehidupan sebagai orang dewasa terasa begitu menjenuhkan dengan segala rutinitas dan aktivitas yang monoton, setiap hari bergelut dengan persoalan yang acapkali muncul. Meskipun kesenangan dan kebahagiaan tentu dirasakan juga. Tapi di situasi di saat keadaan terasa kurang bersahabat atau membosankan. Sebenarnya hal ini lah yang sedang saya alami sekarang ini.

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

My Happiness (Chapter 8)

Im only an ordinary one
But all i know that,,,
I deserve to get my own happiness
I deserve to share my happiness

And all i know that,,,
My happiness is seeing you healthy
My happiness is seeing you laugh
My happiness is seeing you talk
My happiness is seeing you walk

And of course the important thing that,,
My happiness is seeing you happy
Just the way i am


Senin, 18 Februari 2013

It still haunted me,,(Chapter 7)

Today,,,suddenly i remembering him again. Don't know, why does my heart seem still curious about him. Actually, i wanna move on. I want erase the memorize, but it seem so hard sometimes. Maybe because i still wanna meet him again. Bur what for,,???

I don't know where he is right now, what does he work, and maybe he already married. I don't know anything at all about him now. Sometimes i wonder, because of what i still wanna remember it. Or because he is the first person in my life who give me that feeling at that time.

God, i'm confuse. Will i have a chance to meet him again. Just want to answer all my curiousity. Hmmmmm..but at couple years ago, when i have a chance to met him. i wasn't using the time well. Don't know, because i have a little bit guilthy feeling. The last thing i heard from his friend that he really hate me and don't want to see me again.

Am i so bad to you that moment.. You know, im confuse, it so suddden happen. Because i never realized that you have that feeling to me, and it seem that you so sincere to make a friend with me. That always in mind, that is something that i wanna to say to you. I guessed i have debt to explained it to you.

I wonder, do i have that chance. And is it important after all this years. Maybe you already move on with your life. I pray for your happines. Hope there's no hurt feeling for me. And i hope you never remember me that bad. Really...i never mean it.

For you out there, if sometimes you read this. I hope you understand and you pray for my happiness to. We have grow up now. Everything that happen in our past is sweet thing,,and we still can be friend until forever.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

What is V-Day for us,,

And the month has change. It's already february, some people say it called the month of Love. Why,,because for some younger people who celebrate Valentine Day. They will wait the 14 february to share and give present for their beloved one. That what i see today, i find some of younger boy in the doll market. Heheee,,i can guess it right away, because it's not ussual scene. If it is not because the V-day will come, im sure that younger boy won't be in that place.

Ok, for all of you out there. Hope you gonna read this first before you decide to celebrate valentine day. Even, i think if you wanna share your love and give your attention to every people you loved. We didnt have to wait for that day, we can do it everyday, right,,??

Valentine's Day falls on February 14 every year, is usually celebrated by young people without exception, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Ironically they do not want to know what Valentine's Day is derived from the teachings of Islam or not. 

Valentine's day is defined as the submission or message of love was actually a martyr willing to die for defending his beliefs (called a martyr in Islam). He was a philanthropist and a degree Santo, as opposed to the Roman ruler at the time, King Claudius II (268-270 AD).